Whatever it is that brought you here, thanks be to God. Deus Vult Coaching clients hold a deep desire for more meaningful and more God-honoring growth and service in their lives. We’re glad you’re here.
Coaching is a partnership where you can sort things out and strategize in a safe and confidential environment. Coaching facilitates self-awareness helping you to grow and move forward faster than you could on your own. Coaching is asking you key questions and you discovering which direction is best for you. Coaching is not therapy (focusing on healing the wounds of the past), nor is it consulting (focusing on providing you with an actionable deliverable).
There are many excellent coaches who work from a secular or Christian perspective. Professional Christian Coaching differs from secular coaching in that we acknowledge, and welcome, the presence of the Holy Ghost influencing, and guiding, each coaching session.
Deus Vult approaches Professional Leadership Coaching from the Catholic perspective.
Deus Vult understands that owning a business, and/or leading, can be lonely at times. Truth be told, there are just not that many former business-owner, Catholic, coaches out there.
We ‘get’ you. We hear you. We’re with you.
The B-I-T-E ™ method helps clients address their needs, hopes, dreams & desires. B-I-T-E is an acronym addressing an individual’s goals: Bridging, Integrating, Transforming and Eternalizing.
Deus Vult Coaching is geared towards helping the client figure out their optimized role and place in the world. What spiritual crusade are you ready to launch? How will you reclaim the sacred in your life? Take a B-I-T-E ™ out of life and find out.
With eternity being the reason to have been here, nothing else matters. Fr. Steven Reuter writes, “Natural prudence only considers this life and what’s best for me in this life. Supernatural prudence considers the next life as well.” How will you better address your desire for meaningfulness and contribution? What do you need that you’re not getting? Let’s focus on that.
Don’t focus on the rear-view mirror. Look ahead to what can, and will, be.
Deus Vult offers individuals a friendly, yet at times challenging, atmosphere of learning whereby Integrity, Trust, Fun, and Confidentiality are all utilized to assist clients live a more eternity focused life.
What prompt in your soul seeks to gain expression making a further impact in your life? Are you willing to “go-there” and discuss your “vertical tug”?
Deus Vult helps busy people better understand things they already know. What’s your better? The ROI with Deus Vult is typically observed in a few weeks to a couple months. Deus Vult clients are not victims; and they don’t play the blame game. Deus Vult is for those who are great at making decisions, yet find that something is missing. What is it? What extra are you pursuing? Unfulfilled potential? Deeper relationships? Whatever your “it” is, let’s get after it.
The American Founders knew a virtuous republic requires virtuous people. Virtue is vital to freedom; when it dissipates, respect for others, and unity, dissipates.
As John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
We need a revival of virtue in our nation.